Volunteer at Gallery Players

From the Board of Directors to the ushers, Gallery Players operates by an all-volunteer staff, and as we continue to grow, expand our programs, and bring you the best Brooklyn has to offer, our needs grow with us.

Want to get involved?

We work hard to present the best costumes, lighting, sets, and music possible in our productions – but there’s so much more that needs to be done!

Be an USHER – By volunteering your time before and during the show, you can be a part of the excitement of live theater – and see a performance for free.

Help with SET BUILDING – Every show has several weekends set aside for set building and always strikes after the final performance. These are the vital days when the majority of a show’s set gets done with the help of our volunteers. Give us an hour or two – you will make a difference. All skill levels are needed.

Be an AUDITION MONITOR – Help producers with auditions and sign in actors.

To inquire about any of these volunteer positions, please email volunteer@galleryplayers.com or submit your request through this form so that we can know what your interests and skills are. Here are a few ideas of what we need (no experience necessary for most positions!):

  • Concessions helpers
  • Raffle helpers
  • Box office helpers
  • Set builders
  • Set painters
  • Costume helpers/seamstresses
  • Assistant stage managers
  • Spotlight operators
  • Photographers
  • Office assistants

Become part of the Gallery Players’ Volunteer Corps!